Pharmaceutical Name: Methenolone Enanthate 100
About the compound : German Remedies Primabol 100 is a steroid compound contains methenolone enanthate, a long-acting methenolone ester for intramuscular injection. PRIMABOL 100 is moderately anabolic and androgenic. Methenolone is considered one of the safest anabolic agents, producing quality gains in muscle size and appearance.
Primabolan can be used between cycles – during ‘off time’ – to help maintain muscle mass and strength gains. In fact, it is perfect for cutting cycles as it can prevent muscle wastage and instead help you to maintain all of the muscle you gained bulking, whilst allowing you to benefit from a calorie deficient diet. With a well-planned diet, Primobolan can produce good conditioning effects, which will leave you looking harder, more defined and chiselled. Low aromatization, very safe to use, great during cutting diet to prevent muscle mass, perfect for bridging between steroid cycles, no liver toxicity.
Presentation: Each carton contains 10 mL vial with a orange matt seal.
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