What is Anavar? Uses, doses, side effects

Unlike some other anabolic steroids, which are generated from the testosterone molecule, oxandrolone or Anavar is an anabolic steroid that is truly derived from dihydrotestosterone.

First and foremost, you should be aware that although these substances are referred to as drugs, they are hormones derived from dihydrotestosterone and testosterone, which are hormones derived from cholesterol and occur naturally in the body. In this anabolic form, a ligand is either added to or deducted from the original molecule to create a new molecule.

Thus, when it enters the cell, it behaves differently and specifically, acting to promote more muscle building instead of some of what we refer to as the androgenic effects, or the secondary male sex characteristics, that are associated with these androgens, such as hair on the ears, hair on your shoulders, or balding on your head, which can occur to both males and females.

Before writing more the thing I should probably mention is that it was originally manufactured back in the 1960s under the name Anavar. The generic name for it is oxandrolone, yet most people know it as Anavar.

How does Anavar work?

These molecules, such as DHEA, estrogen, and testosterone, are produced from cholesterol in their natural state. We’ll use the terms steroid and anabolic once more to indicate that we’ve modified them to aid in the development of muscle.

Being a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, oxandrolone or Anavar has the advantage of not converting to estrogen. Its structure prevents it from becoming estrogen. Because the body usually produces more estrogen to balance things out when testosterone levels are raised, this removes the need for so-called estrogen blockers.

Uses and benefits of Anavar

Anavar is a wonderful drug since it can help with cachexia or wasting disorders in those who have had cancer without increasing the risk of developing it again. Oxandrolone can be very beneficial for muscle accretion as well.

Since there are no secondary male sex characteristics of potentiation or androgenic, it’s good for men but equally great for females. Overall, it sort of satisfies the condition we all want, which is to reduce fat and increase muscle at the same time, which is why bodybuilders utilize it before competitions. It is therefore a very helpful drug.

It boosts the synthesis of the t3 and t4 hormones in our bodies, which improves metabolism and promotes fat loss. Burning subcutaneous fat while simultaneously reducing visceral fat is one of the benefits of Anavar as well.


Side effects of Anavar

Anavar adverse effects are determined by cycle length and optimal dosage. A research study that involved two groups proves that a group of people taking 20 to 40 mg of Anavar per day for a 12-week cycle experienced a 45% suppression of natural testosterone. The other group uses a greater dosage of 80 to 200 mg for the same length of time, and testosterone levels are suppressed by 66%. It is sufficient to understand that Anavar decreases testosterone.

Some very rare side effects of Anavar are acne, chills, diarrhea, baldness, unnecessary hair, vomiting, increased LDL, etc.

Dosage of Anavar

The recommended daily dosage for men is between 30 and 50 mg. Advanced hardcore bodybuilders might need up to 80 mg per day, but I advise sticking to 30 to 50 mg. The typical length of the Anavar cycle is 8 to twelve 12 weeks.

The prescribed intake for women ranges from 10 to 30 mg, depending upon the desired level. Typically, cycles last between four and six weeks. You can extend the cycle to 8 weeks if you plan to compete.

The half-life of Anavar is 9-10 hours. You should split the doses into 20 mg in the morning and 20 mg in the evening. The one question many people ask here is whether you should take Anavar with meals or on an empty stomach. Anavar is fat soluble, therefore taking it with meals or dietary fats will prevent you from getting its full impact. Therefore, if you don’t have any gastrointestinal problems, you must take it on an empty stomach.

Taking a dose of Anavar 30 minutes before working out will help improve your enthusiasm, endurance, and concentration.

Post Cycle Therapy or PCT

Do you require a PCT after cycling Anavar only?

YES, Anavar can decrease or reduce your natural testosterone levels, but it’s quite rare that it will completely shut them down. Your natural testosterone levels might be OK, but as a PCT, you still need to take 20 mg of tamoxifen every day for four weeks after only the Anavar cycle.

When Anavar is used with other salts like Winstrol, Tren A, Test E, etc. Your PCT will be different. You require Tamoxifen 20 mg per day for four weeks coupled with Clomid 100 mg for the first two weeks and 50 mg for the final two weeks, along with HCG 500 to 1000 iu each week for three weeks.

For females: In some cases, Anavar might stop females from producing testosterone, which can lead to hormonal imbalance. PCT for females is given below Tamoxifen

week 1-20 mg/day

week 2- 15 mg/day

week 3-10 mg/day

week 4- 05 mg/day

Important Notes

Some important points that you should keep in mind

Organize your diet and nutrition in advance

• Make a customized diet chart for yourself or take the help of an expert

• Follow a well-planned workout and take care of your recovery

• Do not compromise at all with your sleep. Get at least 8 hours of sleep

• Make all the arrangements in advance for the expenses incurred during the cycle

• Consult your doctor if you experience any side effects. He will tell you whether to continue or not

• Be sure to buy PCT along with your anabolic steroid stack

Where to buy Anavar?

Anavar is one of the most expensive oral steroids available. There are more fakes than originals in the market so be very aware before buying the stuff. If you want to order Anavar you can directly place the order on your website and we assure you that every product you buy from us is 100% authentic. We can ship worldwide.


Anavar is one of the safest anabolic steroids, just make sure to use the original one. It is best for beginners who want some significant results from their very first cycle. Make sure to stay within your limitations because an overdose can be very harmful.

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